This is a late post on geeking it up with my kids. I previously posted on taking my daughter to
W00tstock in NYC, and in return I took my son to PAX East in Boston this year.
Penny Arcade Expo) is perhaps the most fan based gaming exposition in the country. It is run the way gamers would enjoy, the unoficial motto is "Don't be a Dick" the security is all volunteer force of "enforcers" cookies are sold to benefit Childs Play and concerts are held on the first two nights.
Welcome to PAX from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
We cruised through the exhibitor section,
and my son liked this the most so we spent a lot of time playing prerelease games.
3d games, kinect games, etc. I had planned on attending more of the talks and sessions but the boy was having too much fun, so I hung with him.
We did have great food though we managed our time between the conference and great food. We ate at the Legal Test food Kitchen, which is a test restaurant for Legal Sea Food.
(During happy hour oysters are a dollar),
The Barking Crab great seafood, although a very crowded touristy place.
In the evenings concerts dominated the expo.
But on the first night, The Omeganauts dominated the scene with a live giant Jenga competition.
PAX Jenga 1 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 2 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 3 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 4 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 5 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 6 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
PAX Jenga 7 from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
That was followed by a concert, so we never made it back to the hotel till very late. The next morning
we rallied
we chilled in the sumo lounge
and hung out at the Harpoon brewery
Tremendous collection of beer cans... billy beer
old school
Generic beer
We played some old school arcade games
The concerts where awesome, but our favorite was Jonathan Coulton
Mr Fancy Pants from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
I am glad to be shopping here with you + Mandelbrot Set from Eugenio Monasterio on Vimeo.
Go check out his songs at
We had a great time, check out PAX with your kids.