Saturday, June 4, 2011

Drowning in Crawfish

Nearly killed myself over memorial day


pile of crawfish


Borinkeando said...

que banquete! Cuando era pequeña mi papa y mis tíos , nos llevaban al rio de Tibes, allí estábamos el día nadando y jugando entre primos. Mientras ellos pescaban abajo de las piedras camarones y chagaras (que no se que son en la categoría de camarones :) y hasta llegue a comer anguila de rio frita!, todo lo ponían a hervir allí mismo en el rio y nos dábamos tremendo banquete de camarones!! las anguilas las freían y aunque no recuerdo el sabor.. se que me la comía, jajaja!

Catherine Meyers said...

Hello BaconGrease,

My name is Catherine Meyers, I'm the admin of a high traffic web/blog directory (PR5) and a games web, I’ve been reading your blog and it's articles about food and video games (nice pics from the convention), and would like to offer you a link exchange with my sites, hoping that they can serve as valuable entertainment to your site’s visitors and more importantly help improving the web traffic of Eating Video Games. If you are interested please let me know.



BaconGrease said...

@Catherine Meyers unfortunately upon searching your site PR5 it is listed as hosting Malware so I'm not interested but thanks for the offer.