Sunday, December 25, 2011

Boricua in RVA

Originally uploaded by EatingVideo
I cooked up a puertorican christmas meal this year. Pork roast, rice and beans, bread and salad. The pork shoulder was seasoned with salt, pepper, oregano, olive oil and vinegar. I roasted it at 300 deg for half hour per pound till it came to an internal temp of 180 deg farenheit. Till it looked like this


after resting...


on platter


pork roast

I served it with white rice and red beans. The beans began with a sofrito. of onions, garlic, carrot, later peppers, celery, pancetta, oregano, parsley, salt, pepper. pimenton and cumin


Then added tomato paste and chicken stock

bean base

This was simmered for an hour then the beans and some cooked yuca where added, and served over white rice

arroz con habichuelas

Very traditional, very tasty, and some leftovers to boot.


Borinkeando said...

Que hambre me dio!! y eso que anoche comí muchísimo.. jajajaja!
esas habichuelas colora te quedaron de show con ese sofrito ,Mm!

Anonymous said...

No hay mofongo?

BaconGrease said...

@Sazon Borica, quedaron muy ricas, la verdad es que deberia hacerlas mas amenudo
@cfootsoup lo pense, pero ya habia tanta comida, pero quisa para el new year

Lewis said...

Lot of interesting food you got there

BaconGrease said...

@lewis Thanks, I liked your Atari post.