Sunday, June 27, 2010

short ribs with celeriac and beets

Originally uploaded by EatingVideo
I bought some meaty spare ribs and butterflied them as to decrease the cooking time. It is a well marbled piece or meat, and butterflied (with the bone on) one can grill it relatively quickly as opposed to having to braise it for several hours.
This is the technique

I marinated the beef with salt, pepper, sugar, fish suace, wine, lime, and soy sauce.
I chopped the celeriac or celery root into cubes


and cooked it with two small potatos also cubed, garlic and onion.

celery root potato onioon and garlic

When cooked I mashed it.
The beets I wrapped in foil with a garlic clove and two carrots and salt and placed it on a hot grill for an hour.

red beets to be grilled

I steamed the beet greens

beet greens clean

and served them with the beets and carrots chopped it into cubes

cooked beets

I grilled the short ribs

short ribs

till done

short ribs done

Then plated with mashed potato and celeric, beet and green salad and the grilled short rib. that menu and the pool rocked.

1 comment:

Borinkeando said...

esa ensalada me fascina!! me imagino en tu que en tu casa como en la mía cuando era chiquita hacían fiesta cuando preparaban las canoas... jajaja!
Que bueno es recordar esas pequeñas cosas con alegría...