Wednesday, April 1, 2009

squash empanada

squash empanada
Originally uploaded by chuborupert
This is not a traditional side dish but it turned out very tasty. In many latin american cuisines the fried empanada is prevalent. I made the kids some beef and pork meat empanadas for dinner, but decided to make some less traditional side dishes for our date night dinner. I figured to use some leftover squash to fill the empanadas.

I started with some store bought Goya empanadilla shells

empanada pastry

I cooked some butternut squash with corn, butter, salt, pepper and nutmeg in a sauce pan till soft.

squash empanada filling

I then overstuffed the pastry with the filling

filling squash empanada

The empanada was then fried and kept warm in the oven

grilled beef and squash empanada

cut squash empanada

The result was a very mild flavor, with a good crunch from the pastry. It was served with a grilled steak, heavy on the seasoning to balance the mild squash empanada. We thought it was very good.

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