Friday, March 26, 2010

Garlic Fried Rabbit

Originally uploaded by EatingVideo
This is my mother's recipe for fried rabbit marinated in garlic and herbs. While she was visiting she mentioned that my brother Eric likes this dish and since he and his wife where coming in a few days we decided to prep the dish. She cleaned two heads of garlic (she wanted FOUR, but I only had two at the time.)

zulma y ajo

I crushed the garlic with two tablespoons of salt and 4 black pepper corns in my favorite mortar.


We added about a:
tablespoon of fresh rosemary,
teaspoon of fresh thyme
1/4 cup of olive oil
1/8 cup of sherry vinegar

We marinated two rabbits cut into pieces (marinate at least overnight and then freeze if needed)


I asked my mother whether I should deep fry or pan fry and she said either was fine... I went deep as it presents less cleanup.


I fried in batches till golden brown and kept them warm in the oven


We served it up on a platter, with rice and beans or garbanzo stew, and bread. The rabbit remains moist with the quick cooking with great flavor.

on the table

Try it it's easy.


boscodagama said...

Hijole! Conejito dorado!

Borinkeando said...

que delicioso debiĆ³ estar rico!! mi esposo lo condimenta con salsa chimichurri y lo hace al BBQ.